Apache Shiro :: Samples :: Spring

Apache Shiro :: Samples :: Spring

Spring-based web application sample demonstrating Shiro's capabilities. Uses samples-spring module as the web start application. To launch the webstart application successfully, you need to run "mvn jetty:run-exploded", or otherwise make sure the webstart application is available through web application root context (see the dependency:unpack configure below)

Provided afhankelijkheden (1)

Groep / Artefact Versie Nieuwe Versie
javax.servlet » servlet-api 2.5 3.0-alpha-1

Runtime afhankelijkheden (5)

Test afhankelijkheden (3)

Groep / Artefact Versie Nieuwe Versie
junit » junit 4.8.2 4.13.2
org.codehaus.groovy » groovy-all 1.8.5 2.5.21
org.easymock » easymock 3.1 5.1.0